Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Healing Our Concept of Man

In the definition of Adam in the Glossary of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the author states in part that Adam is a “material belief”.

What is the material belief here? The belief that man (used here as defining all mankind) has ever been separated from God; that man has ever been anything but God’s spiritual, perfect creation, His image and likeness.

So often it is these two concepts that need healing – our concept of who or what God is and what man is.

I’ve helped to see through a couple healings recently by using the definition of man on page 475 of the book previously mentioned. This definition starts out by saying what man is not and proceeds to say what is. The definition proceeds in this denial and affirming method.

We must realize that there never has been an imperfect man. Therefore we can not accept any lie that is whispered into our thought by error or the carnal mind as the Bible calls it about our imperfection, inability, or limitation. We can see ourselves and know ourselves only as God sees and knows us since He created us.

And then we take it another step and see and know everyone around us as that perfect man. My teacher once told me that if we are seeing or accepting something imperfect about someone else we are automatically accepted it for ourselves. Because that person is God’s creation just as we are.

Further in this definition of man it is stated:

Jesus beheld in Science the per‐
fect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal
man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour
saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man
healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom
of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy.
Man is not a material habitation for Soul; he is himself
spiritual. Soul, being Spirit, is seen in nothing imperfect
nor material.

So therefore we have to look up and see that perfect man all around us everywhere and that automatically frees us right up from any limitation. We can’t see ourselves or others in anyway than what God sees us and we don’t have to accept any suggestions coming to us either mentally, verbally, subtly, or aggressively that we are anything but God’s perfect reflection, forever one with God and forever like God.

This can be challenging at times but it is cause for great spiritual growth by which comes our freedom from challenge or limitation.

As a side note, great freedom has also come from reading that definition from the feminine perspective and substituting the word woman for man. Healing has resulted from this true, spiritual, and perfect view of woman.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can we talk about politics?

I had the first successful conversation with my husband on politics (I felt :) ) last night. Perhaps it was because we were interrupted by our arrival at the Wednesday night testimony meeting at our church (maybe all political conversations should happen on our way in to church :) ).

I was able to see his perspective and that it wasn’t right or wrong, just as my perspective wasn’t right or wrong. They were both ideas and philosophies about government and they both could be successful. In fact they each attempt to repair the problems with the other system. But the problem isn’t the system (whether it’s more government control or less); the problem is with the greed, misuse of control, dishonesty or lack of balance that can occur in both of these systems. And a fear of what will take control if the other system takes place.

I, of course, don’t have the perfect government solution but I was grateful for the breakthrough in having a conversation about government that didn’t have to result in my taking your side or you taking mine. I could simply just let go and appreciate someone else’s perspective rather than trying to find the faults in theirs because they could certainly find the faults in mine.

So I guess the bottom line is, it was nice to share ideas. I’m glad church was there to stop our conversation before it perhaps turned into an unsuccessful conversation, but perhaps we will get better at this as we progress.

It just felt good to humbly think, I don’t know what’s best, and I don’t have all the answers but thanks for sharing your ideas and hearing mine too.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What is a Christian Science Practitioner?

A Christian Science Practitioner has a variety of ways they can support someone. You can call a practitioner about anything! There is always a spiritual approach to problems or ways of thinking that can help us find peace, healing and restoration.

Christian Science Practitioners are always available and always happy and willing to talk to you and tell you more about your unbroken relationship with God – even if you have never known God before or been unsure.

Christian Science refers to God as Life, Truth, Love, Principle, Mind, Soul and Spirit. These are universal terms for God that are usable and acceptable by everyone regardless of religious and previous background.

God is Life itself – our life, your life, my life, which is indestructible and eternal and incapable of discord and decay. God and His or It’s laws are the Truth; God and what She created is the Truth. God is Love itself, the only source of love and cause of love and is unconditional, not judgmental or punishing. God is Principle, the law, and the foundation of the universe, unchanging and scientific. God is Mind, the one and only Mind, always thinking, knowing, seeing, and guiding all ideas. God is Soul, the one and only Soul, which is the source of our identity and individuality as well as our spiritual sense. And God is Spirit, totally spiritual, pure, holy, perfect, everywhere, indestructible and totally unlimited.

See? God in this way is tangible and understandable to everyone. And this information is found in the Bible and in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. These books can be used to search, understand, and explore your relationship with God more on your own. And you can call a Christian Science Practitioner to pray with you and for you and to give you fresh ideas and insight for your situation.

For more information on Christian Science Practitioners you can visit here.