Saturday, January 31, 2009

My vision of God's kingdom

The kingdom of God is a mental and spiritual place made of spiritual substance, Mind’s ideas. It is not physical. For no physicality could ever embody the limitless ideas of infinite Mind that knows no space or time or distance – the beauty of Spirit, the enrapture of creation radiant with divine Love. There is no time, space, nor distance between man, woman, child, nature, animal – all is God’s infinite creation revolving in a system and network of complete harmony. They all shine by borrowed, radiant light from the one infinite source. There is no person or personality for there is but on Ego, and all is the manifestation of the One. No competition, no personal sense of things – just the One’s infinite sense of infinity – infinite good, life, creation, activity. All is beautiful because all is Mind and this all is here and now. It is a state of mind, a state of thought following Jesus’ saying “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21) and St John’s vision “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” (Rev 21:1) This place is here and now, it exists hidden from the world but always present and actual. There is no birth, no death for there is no time. There simply is being here, now, forever, always. We will not die because we were not born. Existence is the Only. Infinity isn’t a really long time but rather the absence of time. There is no distance to separate us from other ideas for we all co-exist in the same space at the same time. God’s rainforests, beaches, coasts, skies, mountains are all ideas which are reflected in all of our being. We are all part of the One. There is no sickness, no discord, no disease because there is no matter. There never was. This enlightened state of consciousness raises the thinker up into this place and away from physicality. The ultimate demonstration of this was achieved by Enoch, Elijah and Jesus.

All ideas exist in friendship, companionship, and joy. “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” (Isa 11:6) All of God’s ideas exist in friendship and peace with one another. They are all spiritual, therefore they are all peaceful, valuable, and needed. Each is a manifestation of the infinite Mind which wouldn’t be complete without it’s entire manifestation. We all have one Life, one Mind, one Source, one being. There is not temple or body within. The nature of the one Life and Mind, the one Soul is constant being, activity, expression, movement, light, harmony. Always moving, acting, expressing. Nothing is stagnate or standing still. “Creation is ever appearing and must ever continue to appear from the nature of it’s inexhaustible source.” (Science and Health pg. 507) God is the Principle of being – the Principle of al creation, existence, life. “With whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17) Daniel proved lions not to be harmful, Paul proved the viper not to be poisonous, and the 3 Jewish boys proved the flames of a fire to be harmless because all is Mind’s idea, spiritual, untouchable. And matter is nothing in the equation of creation or being. Spirit, Mind is the only substance and is always perpetuating existence through the contemplation of Her own nature and being. And mankind, nature, and the animal kingdom are the manifestation.

What does this have to do with here and now? Through our spiritual sense, listening, and communing with the one Perfect One we see and know true reality. Our relations with the brotherhood and sisterhood of man improve, we have higher, more intelligent ideas, we are fearless, and there is no aggression or destruction because there is no death. You can not kill man and no man, woman, or child has ever died. God is good and good lasts forever. It never wears out nor becomes dim. And it never dies or is destroyed. All has existed and will exist forever.

We can realize this now and all live in peace and harmony with one another – in appreciation of each other’s divine origin, value, and goodness. We can all live solely dependant on our Source without needs or lack or wants. Simply being, existing, expressing. Limitless ideas. Loving one another. In peace and harmony and order. Supply comes from God and Love is supplying her creation with all we need each moment. And we can not want or desire anything that the one Ego does not want or desire. For all is of one accord. The elephant, the lion, the human can all be friends. We are all family, we are all brethren. Life is beautiful, creation is beautiful and we can all stand still and be in awe of the grandeur and beauty of creation. The constant, ongoing activity of Life, being, and existence. Always spiritual, beautiful, radiant, filled with light – “for there shall be no night there.” (Rev 21:25) And we are all as little children, pure and innocent.

“This state of consciousness is therefore a present possibility”. (Science and Health pg. 573)

1 comment:

  1. i think the first line of your third paragraph may be a summary of the entire article. there is something about the instant of now that applies to everything in the first paragraph. there is something about time and life and death that is different than whatever pre-conceived notions our memory or sensory perception tells us . . . .

    anyway continue your examination of sight without your glasses it will open up amazing things inside of you.
